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Why story-telling is important and how to use it

Things are constantly changing. According to The Telegraph, 80 companies were created per hour only in the UK in 2016. Your competitors have doubled or tripled. People’s attention-span has decreased to 8 seconds (down from 12) Microsoft says. In a world filled with busy schedules, meetings, work, family, vacation planning, friends, people have no time to waste. How are you going to capture their attention? Story-telling enables you to distinguish your business from your competitors and we’re going to tell you why.

We are hard-wired to listen and tell stories

Humans are emotional beings and a lot of the decisions we make are based on emotion. It has been proved that story-telling has an effect on us and the chemicals in our body. According to Psychology today :

  • functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows that when evaluating brands, customers relate more to their personal experiences and emotions related to that brand, rather than the brand attributes.

  • Studies have shown that positive emotions towards a brand generate loyal customers and an increase in sales based on the image and positioning strategy you create.

What’s this teaching us? That every business, no matter the type of services it provides, must put their story, their motivations out there for the people in order to connect with them.

Why story-telling is important

A rather good example of why it is important to distinguish yourself, highlighted by Chris Do, is the Significant Objects experiment, founded by Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn. What they did was to buy a lot of insignificant objects at the average price of $1.25 and hired writers to write an attribute meaning and a story to each one of them. The final result was that, by investing $128, they got back $3600 only by adding a story.

If we take a look at successful companies, they each have their own story:

  • Airbnb: Book unique homes and experience a city like a local.

  • Patreon: A membership platform that gets artists and creators paid.

  • Slack: On a mission to make your working life simpler, more pleasant and more productive.

  • Influitive: Helping companies discover, nurture and mobilize their advocates.

  • Hubspot: Software to fuel your growth and build deeper relationships, from the first hello to happy customer and beyond.

After all, why shouldn’t your customers buy from someone else? What value can you provide that other companies don’t? They might even pay less for the same generic product/ service for the same quality.

An understanding of customer purchase must be based on the understanding of human emotion and include the influence emotions have on decision-making.

The core of it

Despite the fact that it might be hard to emphasize on the story you want to put out for your customers, it is much easier than you think.

Some elements are intrinsic like plot, dialogue, and authors but others are external such as audience.

Elements of a story include : -  Plot                     - Dedications - Context                - Audience - Characters           - References - Dialog                  - Trailer - Authors                - POV

The core step into creating your story is to know why you’re doing what you’re doing. And we’re not talking about revenue, market potential, prospect industry and so on. No, what people need to know is WHY? Are you trying to make something better? Do you offer more value through improved products/services? What alternatives are you bringing? 

How can Moxels help you build your story ?

Here, at Moxels, we help you create your own visual story through custom crafted computer-generated(CG) imagery. Our high level of design and attention to detail are the key features in the process of creating the visual part of your brand story, bringing you one step closer to success.

Through highly-detailed portfolios we bring through life the essence of your business; Whether your products include buildings, vehicles or interior design products, we make sure to transpose your models and visions into the result.


A successful brand is a brand that tells a story, puts itself out to the public and knows how to position itself through distinctive, impressive stories. In such a competitive market with similar products in terms of quality and performance, good story-telling skills are necessary to appeal to your clients and endorse brand loyalty over time.

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