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How social media can benefit your business

Social media advantages might not be clear for smaller or medium businesses.

Why should one invest time and energy and burst into competition with thousands of other companies who are trying to capture the short span attention of the users?

In addition, algorithms and trends always change. What worked yesterday might not work today and it might be quite confusing.

On the bright side, if you ‘’get it done right’’ there are countless rewards for your business which include: better engagement with your customers, brand loyalty, defined positioning, record traffic figures and even brand loyalty.

It’s free

While other marketing communication tools such as advertising, sponsorship, sales promotion, digital communications are by far the cheapest one- it’s free. Online content brings value to your customer and the higher the quality of the content, the stronger brand image you are able to create.

You can succeed on social media if you approach intelligent work strategy: use unique images to promote your business. Join Facebook and Linkedin groups to see what your potential customers are interested in, create content related to the debate and add it to the group.

Encourage your community to share your content and if you are consistent, you will find that the benefits of social media will boost your sales and will increase your value from customer’s perspective.

Social Media is the future-proof marketing channel

Social media is everywhere.

Let’s look at the facts: Facebook has announced it has reached 2 billion users, Instagram has 800 million of active users.

There is simply no other medium that will enable you to reach a large audience; it’s currently almost impossible to foresee a world where social media isn’t a major marketing channel.

Brand advocacy

If you’re consistent in your customer interaction you will start growing your brand advocacy: this might be your increasing social media followers, online engagement, sharing your content on their feeds or even replying to people who criticize your brand.  The power of this can grow organically over time, but make sure you always go an extra mile to engage with your advocates.

Product promotion

Besides brand advocacy, social media offers the opportunity to promote your services and products to a large audience. By creating an online catalog of products you are able to appeal to your customers and have a more detailed online representation of what you offer.

Since living in the modern times is often characterized by our thirst for visual content, this results in an effective product promotion. Add up the fact that the average online presence of an individual is 5 years and 4 months during his or her lifetime and you get the perfect mix of audience and advertising opportunities.

To conclude with, social media constitutes a great method of starting out to create your own online presence. By being aware of the power social media possesses, you already have a head start on your competitors. Its relatively low cost and the ability to reach out to millions of people have made it one of the most important marketing channels that are out there.

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